Saturday, March 18, 2006


staring at the ceiling, guitar in my hands, and pretending to sing as if I knew the words, I barely blinked when all seemed too surreal. I had a smile that I believed was unfazed by the violent pounding of the ocean below to the rocks facing it. no worries, no sighs, no mid-December cry. tears did not flow nor did the heartbreaks continue. I was in bliss. I kept staring. But the subject of my stare was no longer the monotonous white painted ceiling, rather a colorful glow of the horizon when the sun was starting to shine. I stood up and felt the rays, extended my arms and prayed... of what, I can only guess... but as my spirit flew, there was a sudden jolt. the earth rumbled and the sky instantly collapsed. there was darkness in sight and I did not assert. I stood motionless, giving in without a fight. stunned, scared,... the adjectives would be endless if I would describe the moment, but all would be negative. I break down and the all too familiar drop of salty liquid fell to the ground. for heaven's sake, I could go no more. a tortured soul can only take so much. as these thoughts entered my mind, I was eased. the pain had gone and the bright light back in my sight, darkness vanished and looked up in awe. a sigh of relief would come next. It was over, but I decide to brace myself in case it came back. no sooner had I braced myself when, I felt the warmth of my angel embrace me. my heart melted and my feet shook. happiness was flooding me and it all took one touch. I dared myself to look back and there she was... arms wrapped tight around me and head leaned against me. I had her in my arms. I smiled. she looks at me with her eyes piercing through my soul, looking into the debts of my character and.....
then she rings... it was 7:30 in the morning, the alarm clock sounded its warning. another day to live... another morning to cherish... another evening to look forward to when again I feel love's embrace...


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