Saturday, March 18, 2006

The wound gets bigger
As you feed my desires
Internal torture
Leaves wounds unnoticed
Each tear stings
With every dying memory of you
I dwell on my thoughts
Of the happy moments we shared
I never thought That one sentence would be the end
The end of your love For me…
The end of your kindness For me….
Break me.
You do it every time
Yet I’m always there
Whenever you call for me
I answer with a smile
Ignoring the death within
And I deliver
We’re one for an instant
Then I retreat to my hell
You retreat to a serene place
And all is done
I’m sorry this is so torturous
I constantly tell myself
I’m sorry
I’m naïve
I tell the others
Yet no one understands
How beautiful I think you are
No one can relate
To the feelings within
Blood is forever Love is forever.


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