My time has come
My time has come. I am ready. Death is not as scary as most picture it. It’s actually beautiful, artistic – almost romantic. I am not anxious about its visit. I’ve lived my life as it should be lived and I do not regret any decision I’ve had in the past. My life was beautiful. I could not ask for more. All the time, I’ve struggled just to put into action the things I’ve lived by – the philosophies I believed. Chivalry runs in my veins. And as I come closer to my inevitable end, I am satisfied. I am satisfied that I have lived up to my knighthood – to my calling. Noble? Respectable? Fame? Glory? I do not care about any. Service... That I care about. I’ve chosen my profession not because of the inflow of riches it offers, but because of one simple reason – my drive to help. I have no riches to leave behind. I have no land or property to give that is worth boasting, no statues, and no plaques to show the next generation. All I have is the memory. The memory I left in their hearts. It is enough to satisfy this dying old corpse. To my family: stay firm and together. I have considered you as my own. I love you. I am confident that I have taught you enough to live a life of value and dedication. I am proud of you. Mom, Dad... I’ll be joining you soon. To my love... I never left your side. I was there when you cried for help. I was there when you wept. I was there when you laughed. My happiness was your happiness. My pain is your tears. You have found your life. You have found the one who completes you. Take care of him. Take care of your young. Take care, especially, of yourself. I love you still. Though I know in my heart that it was never meant to be, I still waited. Someone once told me “it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” In the end, as romantic as I tried to be, romance was never for me. I never found another. No one could replace you. Service to my community, to my country... It became my romance. It became my meaning. I see your smile in each child I help care for. I see your eyes in each glittering look they gave me. At least I found my love of a lifetime... A love to last my whole life through... Forever in my heart...
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