Sunday, May 07, 2006


this is how i deal.... live with it....
yup this-is-for-you... read it good....

crimes committed
with intentions pure
times wasted
with or for whom?
didn't get the message
thought it was late
can time be so cruel?

managed to see
things so bare
used to be blind
my God!
so blind!
thought the spice
was good for life

sarcasm can be tricky
hope meaning stands clear
had to say things
so things were said
can you blame the maker
when the produce has been tainted?
and the buyer's filled with dread

hail the art
where you can hide the sting
but it does, still...
doesn't it?...
i guess it did...
'cause saw the forwn....

a grin
a nasty grin
you see something?
hope you do...
it's suppose to be for you...

but one thing has to be said
you can't say
something is black
if you haven't seen black...
look ...

don't get me wrong... that's a freedom I make use of very often...
so don't take it too fuking seriously! it's a journal dude!!! c'mon!!!
you're suppose to say what the hell you fucking feel whenever you fucking feel it!!!
if it stings, why the fuck are you reading it?!!


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