Saturday, June 10, 2006

everything's a game... sort of...

in light of the world cup's current hype, I have recently concluded that life is just like a soccer match between two championship caliber teams. after the hard fought minutes each half the players struggle to find the goal. at some point luck takes the front seat and drives the entire team to score its first goal. a goal that was well earned by the team who's passion shows the most. in the end when you look at the score board you see a 2-0 lead by the winning team. perhaps the 0 can be accounted for by the sound defence of the opposing team, but at some point you'll think... maybe it's just because luck was never on the lossing side's back.

life... it's like that. sometimes you score and get the breaks, sometimes you eat dirt and feel like shit. maybe it's because of the effort you put into everything or maybe lady luck was beside you all the way. but no matter how you look at it, if you want that goal you just have to keep kicking that ball... and maybe hope for a little luck...


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